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Smith Chart Generator ASITIC: Analysis of Si Inductors and Transformers for ICs BSIM Compact Models

ASITIC is a 2.5D EM solver/tool originally written and distributed during the course of Prof. Niknejad's Ph.D. that performs rapid Fourier domain analysis of the Green function for a stratified multi-layered substrate, based on techniques originally proposed by Gharpury/Meyer for solving for substrate resistance. ASITIC can analyze 100's of moderately sized structures (inductors/transformers) in seconds, an order-of-magnitude faster than conventional tools. It was used by hundreds of industry and academia researchers for designing RF circuits. Development on ASITIC has stopped due to it's lower frequency limitations (sub-6 GHz due to quasi-static Green function) and other simplifications (thin metal layers). Modern tools such as EMX and ADS provide great commercial alternatives.

The BSIM family of models were developed by Prof. Chenming Hu and collaborators for rapid simulation of analog/digital and RF circuits using the SPICE simulator. The BSIM family of models have been adopted by nearly all commercial simulators (Cadence Spectre, HSPICE, ADS, LTspice, PSpice, ICAP, Analog FastSPICE, etc.). Worldwide these models have been used to design CMOS integrated circuits for nearly all applications.


  1. D. Lu, C. Lin, M. Dunga, V Sriramkumar, S. Yao, T. Morshed, N. Paydavosi, S. Jandhyala, Y. Chauhan, S. Khandelwal, “BSIM-IMG102. 7.0 Independent Multi-Gate MOSFET Compact Model,” 2016. (link)
  2. S. Khandelwal, J. Duarte, A. Medury, S. Venugopalan, N. Paydavosi, D. Lu, C. Lin, M. Dunga, S. Yao, T. Morshed, “BSIM-CMG 110.0. 0: Multi-gate MOSFET Compact Model: Technical Manual,” 2015. (link)
  3. T. Morshed, D. Lu, W. Yang, M. Dunga, X Xi, J. He, W. Liu, M. Kanyu, X. Jin, J. Ou, “BSIM4v4. 7 MOSFET Model,” 2011. (link)
  4. A. M. Niknejad, R. Meyer, “ASITIC: Analysis and Simulation of Spiral Inductors and Transformers for ICs,” 1995.