The latest versions of course websites are on bCourses. Archived courses:
- EECS 16A: Designing Information Devices and Systems I
- EECS 16B: Designing Information Devices and Systems II
- EE 42/100: Introduction to Electronics
- EE 105: Microelectronic Devices and Circuits
- EE 117: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
- EE 142: Integrated Circuits for Communications
- EE 217: Microwave Circuits
- EE 240: Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits
- EE 242: Advanced Integrated Circuits for Communications
Demos / Animations:
- EE 16 Demo: Adding complex exponentials. Note the pattern is complex when the frequencies are differnt. But if you make the frequencies the same, then no matter how many phases of the complex exponential you add, the result is always another complex expoential, illustrating the time-invariant eigenfunction property.
- EE 105 Demos: Cartoons and Python simulations that demonstrate device physics principles.
- EE 142 Demos: Demonstrations of waves and energy flow on transmission lines.